Discrete Probability Theory

  • Lecturer:
    Prof. Dr. Susanne Albers
  • Module:
    IN0018, TUMonline
  • Area:
    3+2 lectures per week
  • Time and Location:
    Wednesday, 16:00–18:30 (start at 16:00 sharp), Hörsaal MI HS 1
  • Lab, Exercises:
    2 hours per week (obligatory) tutor sessions
    Teaching Assistant: Dr. Werner Meixner
    2 hours per week (supplemental, voluntary) lab
    Teaching Assistant: Dr. Werner Meixner

    On July 9, 2014 the last lab session instead of the lecture will be held.
  • Exams:
    See the german version of this page
  • ECTS: 6 points
  • Prerequisites:
    Module IN0015: Discrete Structures
    Module MA0901: Linear Algebra for Informatics
    Module MA0902: Analysis for Informatics



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To access the recordings click here.


Contents of this course are essentially covered by the following books:
  1. T. Schickinger, A. Steger
    Diskrete Strukturen - Band 2
    Springer Verlag 2001
  2. M. Greiner, G. Tinhofer
    Stochastik für Informatiker
    Carl Hanser Verlag, 1996
  3. H. Gordon
    Discrete Probability
    Springer-Verlag, 1997
  4. R. Motwani, P. Raghavan
    Randomized Algorithms
    Cambridge University Press, 1995
  5. L. Fahrmeir, R. Künstler, I. Pigeot, G. Tutz
    Statistik - Der Weg zur Datenanalyse
    Springer-Verlag, 1997